To advance the education of the public and health professionals about inflammatory breast cancer
To promote and fund research in the UK for inflammatory breast cancer, and to promote the results thereof
To provide advocacy, advice, information, and support
Until we reach the day that we can keep every patient alive, we must find ways to help everybody living with inflammatory breast cancer and support them to live well.
Take the time to understand what matters to our members
Always show respect
Develop services that our members need
Acknowledge the contributions our Trustees and Volunteers make
Communicate clearly
Treat people with dignity and respect
Protect the health, safety, and well-being of ourselves and others
Responsibly manage the Charity’s resources
Take ownership of our work, behaviours, and actions
Be proactive and prepared to take considered risks
Work as a team and share information for the benefit of our organisation and the services we deliver
Do not judge, blame, or make assumptions
Believe in continuous improvement, be receptive to change, and learn from our mistakes
Be positive about our work, our colleagues, and our organisational vision