Our Charity Ambassadors
Our charity ambassadors play a key role in helping the charity meet its strategic objectives to increase awareness of its work and by championing the charity’s work within local communities by means of hosting information stands and delivering talks in their places of work/study, within local networks and organisations. The role of charity ambassador is vital to the work of the charity and ensures that those who need our support are aware of our existence and that they understand what we do and how to access our services. Another key part of the charity ambassador role is to help raise valuable funds so that the charity’s free and confidential support may continue long into the future.
Heidi Loughlin, from Portishead in North Somerset, is one of our charity ambassadors. Diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) in 2015 and given just 12 months to live, Heidi continues to be an inspiration to many with her determination, resilience and compassion. Well known for her Facebook vBlog “Storm in a tit cup by Heidi” which Heidi describes as “raising awareness of inflammatory breast cancer through humour most dark and sweary”, her blog provides much hope and awareness of IBC, the charity and her outstanding charity work to the public and business.